Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 1 : Urgent Care

Urgent care is not where I intended to be on the morning of the first day of my road trip.  I'm also pretty sure that when inviting over friends for a goodbye get-together one does not expect to spend said get-together in the corner, under a quilt, with a bloated mug of Trader Joe's-brand green tea.

At urgent care I was told that my strep test was negative but that the back of my flaming throat looked "pretty horrible" so now I am drugged up on everything from Ibuprofen to Amoxicillin and am following a strict diet that allows me a plethora of soups, whatever color Otter Pop I want, and various smoothies that I eat with a spoon because straws are not my biggest fans at the moment.  And you don't want to hear about my other symptoms.

Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway - I've always hated that phrase), my LA trip has been pushed back at least one day but I'm still hoping to speed down there with enough time to see all of my grandparents and make it to San Diego by Friday to see the lovely Josephine "Jo" Kasper and fix our bad luck streaks together by dancing as much as possible to horrible pop-music-turned-dance music.

So, unfortunately I do not have anything new and exciting to share for the first full day of my road trip across the country.  Kyle seems to be my substitute mother for the moment while I can't decide if I want one blanket or three quilts (there is a difference).  You'll be sure to hear from me soon!

P.S.  Mom, I won't really speed down I-5.


  1. i win!
    also, if you give me whatever you have i will be SO UNHAPPY.
    also also, the best trips start with a case of the hiccups.

  2. Sweet, a blog! I look forward to reading all about your travels. But for now, get better soon, whore! :-P
